Dissociable contributions of the medial parietal cortex to recognition memory
Sulcal morphology of posteromedial cortex substantially differs between humans and chimpanzees
A tripartite view of the posterior cingulate cortex
Distinct population and single-neuron selectivity for executive and episodic processing in human dorsal posterior cingulate
Uncovering a tripartite landmark in posterior cingulate cortex
Percepts evoked by multi-electrode stimulation of human visual cortex
Aligning evidence for the genesis of visual gamma oscillations
Biased orientation and color tuning of the human visual gamma rhythm
Stability of ripple events during task engagement in human hippocampus
Intrinsic network architecture predicts the effects elicited by intracranial electrical stimulation of the human brain
Seeing visual gamma oscillations in a new light
Dynamic stimulation of visual cortex produces form vision in sighted and blind humans
Functionally distinct gamma range activity revealed by stimulus tuning in human visual cortex
iEEG-BIDS, extending the Brain Imaging Data Structure specification to human intracranial electrophysiology
Intracranial electrophysiology reveals reproducible intrinsic functional connectivity within human brain networks
Intracranial electrophysiology of the human default network
Persistent aberrant cortical phase-amplitude coupling following seizure treatment in absence epilepsy models
Distinct patterns of temporal and directional connectivity among intrinsic networks in the human brain
Saturation in phosphene size with increasing current levels delivered to human visual cortex
Direct cortical stimulation of human posteromedial cortex
Electrophysiological responses in the ventral temporal cortex during reading of numerals and calculation
Mapping human temporal and parietal neuronal population activity and functional coupling during mathematical cognition
Proceedings of the eighth international workshop on advances in electrocorticography
Corresponding ECoG and fMRI category-selective signals in human ventral temporal cortex
Spontaneous neural dynamics and multi-scale network organization
Electrocorticography reveals the temporal dynamics of posterior parietal cortical activity during recognition memory decisions
Intrinsic and task-dependent coupling of neuronal population activity in human parietal cortex
Electrical stimulation of the left and right human fusiform gyrus causes different effects in conscious face perception
Human hippocampal increases in low-frequency power during associative prediction violations
Asynchronous broadband signals are the principal source of the BOLD response in human visual cortex
Human retrosplenial cortex displays transient theta phase locking with medial temporal cortex prior to activation during autobiographical memory retrieval
A brain area for visual numerals
Hand posture classification using electrocorticography signals in the gamma band over human sensorimotor brain areas
Effects of nitrous oxide sedation on resting electroencephalogram topography
Numerical processing in the human parietal cortex during experimental and natural conditions
Modulation of functional EEG networks by the NMDA antagonist nitrous oxide
Does rhythmic entrainment represent a generalized mechanism for organizing computation in the brain?
Electrical stimulation of human fusiform face-selective regions distorts face perception
Neural populations in human posteromedial cortex display opposing responses during memory and numerical processing
Resting oscillations and cross-frequency coupling in the human posteromedial cortex
Problem of signal contamination in interhemispheric dual-sided subdural electrodes
Gelastic epilepsy and hypothalamic hamartomas: neuroanatomical analysis of brain lesions in 100 patients
Nitrous oxide paradoxically modulates slow electroencephalogram oscillations: Implications for anesthesia monitoring
Differential electrophysiological response during rest, self-referential, and non-self-referential tasks in human posteromedial cortex
Understanding the effects of anesthetic agents on the EEG through neural field theory
Population based models of cortical drug response: Insights from anaesthesia